Content – Syllabus Edexcel (4HI1)
Unit 1 – Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship
- Germany and the growth of democracy
- Germany and the Depression
- The experiences of Germans under the Nazis
Unit 2 – BB Conflict and Tension: The Inter-War Years 1918–1939
- Peacemaking
- Treaty of Versaille
- The League of Nations and international peace
- The origins and outbreak of the Second World War
Unit 3 – BA Norman England: c1066 – c1100
- The Norman conquest and control
- Life under the Normans
- The Norman Church and Monasticism
Unit 4 – AA Britain: Health and the People c1000 to the Present Day
- Medicine stands still
- The beginnings of change
- A revolution in medicine
- Modern medicine
Unit 5 – Preparing for Paper 1: Understanding the Modern World (AB and BB)
- Preparing for Paper 1
- Paper 1 Section A
- Paper 1 Section B
- Punctuation in exams
Unit 6 – Preparing for Paper 2: Shaping the Nation (BA and AA)
- Preparing for Paper 2
- Grade Descriptors
- Paper 2 Section A
- Paper 2 Section B