A Level History

Course Content – AQA Syllabus (7042)

Unit 1 – The Making of a Superpower Part 1: From Civil War to World War

  • The Era of Reconstruction
  • The weaknesses of the Federal Government
  • Political corruption in the Gilded Age
  • Social, regional and ethnic divisions
  • Economic growth and the rise of corporations
  • Laissez Faire Dominance and Consequences
  • Foreign affairs and Isolationism
  • Populism, Progressivism and Imperialism, 1890–1920

Unit 2 – The Wars of the Roses Part 1: The Fall of the House of Lancaster

  • The origins of the conflict, 1450-1459
  • The War of the Barons, 1459-1461
  • The Triumph of the Yorkists, 1461-1471

Unit 3 – The Making of a Superpower Part 2: Crises and the Rise to World Power

  • Domestic Politics in the 1920s
  • Underlying economic problems
  • Government response to The Great Depression
  • Social change and development
  • The War and new opportunities
  • International Relations 1920-45
  • Crisis of identity, 1920–1945
  • The Superpower, 1945–1975
  • Domestic Politics, 1945-60
  • Domestic Politics, 1961-74
  • Economic Change & Developments, 1945-75
  • The USA and International Relations

Unit 4 – The Wars of the Roses Part 2: The Fall of the House of York

  • ‘The Sun in Splendour’: The Reign of Edward IV, 1471–1483
  • The Downfall of the Yorkist Monarchy, 1483–1486
  • The End of the Yorkist Dynasty, 1486–1499

Preparation for Paper 1K

  • Component One: Breadth Study
  • Component Two: Depth Study
  • Component Three: Historical Investigation

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