Course Content – AQA Syllabus (7652)
Unit 1 – The Changing Nature of Family (La famille en voie de changement)
- Family structures
- Relationships between the generations
- Translating small texts into the target language
- Forming, recognising and using the imperfect tense
- Using a monolingual dictionary
- Grammar: l’imparfait
- Grammar: le passé simple
- Grammar: le parfait’ / ‘le passé composé
Unit 2 – The ‘Cyber-Society’ (La cyber-société)
- Grammar: ‘les constructions à l’infinitif’
- Grammar: les pronoms compléments (subject and reflexive pronouns)
- Grammar: les présent
- Vocabulary and strategies to expand vocabulary
- The dangers of the ‘cyber society’
- ‘Cybernauts’
Unit 3 – The Place of Voluntary Work (Le rôle du bénévolat)
- Grammar: coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, temporal conjunctions, casual conjunctions
- Grammar: the conditional
- Grammar: Future tense
- Who are volunteers and what do they do?
- Value of volunteering
- Who do volunteers help?
Unit 4 – A Culture Proud of its Heritage (Une culture fière de son patrimoine)
- Grammar: adjectives, comparisons, and superlatives
- Grammar: ‘Si’ clauses
- Grammar: the subjunctive
- Improving your language level
- National, regional and local heritage
- Heritage and tourism
- How heritage reflects culture
Unit 5 – Contemporary Francophone Music (La musique francophone contemporaine)
- Grammar: the imperative
- Grammar: modal and impersonal verbs in the conditional
- Justifying your opinion
- The diversity of contemporary Francophone music
- Who listens to and appreciates contemporary Francophone music?
- How to safeguard contemporary Francophone music
Unit 6 – Cinema: The 7th Art Form (Cinéma: le septième art)
- Grammar: ‘Si’ clauses
- Why is cinema the seventh art?
- Evolution of cinema: the main lines
- Cinema: a national passion
Unit 7 – Positive Features of a Diverse Society (Les aspects positifs d’une société diverse)
- Grammar: the conditional
- Enrichment due to ethnic mixing
- Diversity, tolerance, and respect
- Diversity – learning for life
Unit 8 – The Positive Aspects of a Diverse Society (Les Aspects Positifs D’une Société Diverse)
- Grammar: l’imparfait
- Grammar: ‘le parfait’ / ‘le passé composé’
- Grammar: le plus-que-parfait
- Who are the marginalised?
- What help is there for the marginalised?
- Attitudes towards the marginalised
Unit 9 – How Criminals are Treated (Comment on traite les criminels)
- Grammar: le passé simple
- Grammar: ‘Si’ clauses
- Grammar: infinitive constructions
- Attitudes towards crime
- Prison – failure or success?
- Other penalties
Unit 10 – Teenagers, the Right to Vote and Political Commitment (Les ados, le droit de vote et l’engagement politique)
- Grammar: The Passive Voice
- Grammar: avoiding passive voice
- Grammar: the subjunctive
- The right to vote – for or against?
- Teens and political engagement – ​​motivated or demotivated?
- What is the future of politics?
- Trends and statistics
Unit 11 – Demonstrations, Strikes – Who Holds the Power? (manifestations, grèves – à qui le pouvoir?)
- Grammar: The use of direct and indirect complementary pronouns
- Grammar: Relative pronouns
- The power of unions
- Demonstrations and strikes – are they effective?
Unit 12 – Politics and Immigration (La politique et l’immigration)
- Grammar: demonstrative pronouns and adjectives
- Grammar: imperfect and past tense
- Grammar: the future perfect and the conditional
- Political solutions to the issue of immigration
- Immigration and political parties
- Political engagement amongst immigrants
Unit 13 – Preparing for Paper 3: Speaking
- Preparation and techniques
- Planning revision
- Reinforce vocabulary
Unit 14 – Preparing for Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Writing
- Preparation and techniques
- The format of Paper 1
- Translation from French to English
- Translation from English to French
Unit 15 – Preparing for Paper 2: Writing
- Preparation and techniques
- The format of Paper 2
- Critical and analytical responses
- Texts
- Films