A Level Psychology

Course Content – AQA Syllabus (7182)

A Level Psychology

Unit 1 – Social influence 

  • Types of Conformity
  • Explanations for obedience
  • Resistance to Social Influence
  • The role of social influence processes in social change

Unit 2 – Memory

  • The Multi-Store Model
  • Explanations for forgetting
  • Interference theory
  • Retrieval failure
  • The Cognitive Interview Technique

Unit 3 – Attachment

  • Caregiver-infant interactions
  • Stages of attachment
  • Multiple attachments and the role of the father
  • Cultural variations in attachment

Unit 4 – Psychopathology

  • Behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics of disorders
  • Depressive and bipolar disorders
  • OCD and anxiety disorders
  • The behavioural approach to explaining and treating phobias
  • The cognitive approach to depression
  • The biological approach to OCD

Unit 5 – Approaches in psychology

  • Origins of psychology
  • Social learning theory
  • Cognitive approaches
  • Biological approaches
  • Psychodynamic approaches, including Freud and the Structure of Personality
  • Humanistic approaches
  • The eclectic approach

Unit 6 – Biopsychology

  • The Nervous System
  • The Endocrine System
  • The Fight or Flight Response
  • Localisation of brain function

Unit 7 – Issues and Debates in Psychology

  • Gender
  • Culture
  • Free will and determinism
  • Nature vs nurture
  • Holism and reductionism
  • Idiographic and nomothetic approaches 
  • Ethics

Unit 8 – Relationships

  • Partner preferences
  • Factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships
  • Filter theory
  • Virtual relationships
  • Para social relationships

Unit 9 – Aggression

  • Neural mechanisms and the limbic system
  • Hormonal mechanisms
  • Genetic factors and the MAOA gene
  • Twin studies and aggression:
  • Ethological and evolutionary explanations
  • Social psychological explanations
  • Dispositional and situational explanations
  • Media influences

Unit 10 – Schizophrenia

  • Classification of schizophrenia
  • Different types of schizophrenia
  • Biological explanations for schizophrenia
  • Psychological explanations for schizophrenia:
  • Treatments for schizophrenia
  • Defining mental illness

Unit 11 – Research Methods in Psychology

  • Lab experiments
  • Field experiments
  • Natural experiments
  • Quasi experiments
  • Types of observation
  • Self-report techniques
  • Sampling 
  • Experimental design
  • Ethical issues
  • The BPS Code of Ethics and Conduct
  • Peer review
  • Types of data
  • Distributions 
  • Choice of statistical testing
  • Report writing

Preparing for the Examinations

It’s now time to get yourself ready for the big day and do some exam preparation.

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