A Level Politics

Course Content – AQA Syllabus (7152)

A Level Politics

Unit 1 – The Government of the UK

  • The British Constitution
  • The branches of British Government
  • How does Parliament represent us?
  • The Prime Minister
  • Devolution

Unit 2 – Politics of the UK

  • Democracy and participation
  • Political parties and pressure groups
  • The European Union

Unit 3 – The Government of the USA

  • The Constitutional Framework of US Government
  • Principles of the US Constitution
  • The Legislative, Executive and Judiciary
  • The House of Representatives
  • The Senate
  • The Committee System

Unit 4 – Politics of the USA

  • The Electoral Process and Direct Democracy
  • The Election Campaign
  • The Electoral College
  • Political parties and pressure groups
  • Civil rights

Unit 5 – Comparative Politics

  • Constitutions, Executives and Judiciaries
  • Theoretical approaches to comparison
  • Constitutional arrangements
  • Electoral and party systems
  • Pressure groups
  • Civil rights

Unit 6 – Core Ideologies

  • Liberalism
  • Conservatism
  • Socialism
  • Key ideas and principles
  • Key thinkers

Unit 7 – Other Ideologies

  • Nationalism and multiculturalism
  • Feminism and Ecologism
  • Anarchism
  • Key thinkers
  • Key concepts

Unit 8 – Preparing for exam papers

  • Paper 1
  • Paper 2
  • Paper 3

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