Course Content – NCFE CACHE Syllabus
Unit 1 – Roles and Responsibilities of the Early Years Practitioner (EYP)
- Responsibilities, boundaries, skills and behaviours of the EYP
- Policies and procedures within the early years setting
- Effective communication within the early years setting
- Professional development and reflective practice
Unit 2 – Health and Safety of Babies and Young Children in the Early Years
- Legislation and Legal Requirements for Health and Safety
- Possible incidents and actions to take
- Recording accidents, incidents and emergencies
- Lines of reporting
- Common childhood illnesses
Unit 3 – Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Practice in the Early Years Settings
- Diversity
- Equality
- Inclusion
- The impacts and effects of discrimination
- Legislation and codes of practice
Unit 4 – Safeguarding, Protection and Welfare of Babies and Young Children
- Types of abuse and neglect
- Safeguarding legislation, policies and codes of practice
- Policies and procedures
- Whistleblowing
Unit 5 – How to Support Children’s Development
- Child development from birth to seven years
- Influences on the expected pattern of development
- Attachments and Key Person Approaches
- The Phases of Attachment
- The ‘Strange Situation’ study
- The Key Person’s role
- Relationships with parents
- Transitions in the Early Years
- Supporting children during transition and significant life events
Unit 6 – Support Care Routines for Babies and Young Children
- Rest and sleep needs
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Immunisation schedule
- Care routines
Unit 7 – Supporting the Planning and Delivery of Activities, Purposeful Play Opportunities and Educational Programmes
- Play and child development
- The necessity of play in development
- The benefits of different types of play
- Child-initiated and adult-led play
- Observation, assessment and planning
Unit 8 – Promoting Play in Early Years Settings
- Assignment
Unit 9 – Supporting Wellbeing of Babies and Young Children for Healthy Lifestyles
- Initiatives that support healthy eating and nutrition
- Planning a weaning programme
- Effects of poor diet on babies and children
- Special dietary requirements
Unit 10 – Supporting Babies and Young Children to be Physically Active
- The benefits of exercise and physical activity
- National initiatives to promote physical activity
- Working in partnership with parents and caregivers
Unit 11 – Supporting the Needs of Babies and Young Children with Special Educational Needs and Disability
- Biological and environmental factors
- Planning for the inclusion of a child with additional needs
- Attachments and Key Person Approaches
- Transitions in the Early Years
- Effects of transitions
- Working with others to meet additional needs
Unit 12 – Promoting Positive Behaviour in Early Years Settings
- Procedures
- Being a good role model
- A good behaviour policy
- Setting boundaries
Unit 13 – Partnership Working in the Early Years
- Working with parents / carers
- Working with colleagues
- Working with other professionals
- Legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines
- Confidentiality
- The Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR
- Reporting lines
- Encouraging parents to take an active role
Unit 14 – Supporting the Needs of the Child in Preparing for School
- Communication skills
- Self-confidence
- Independence
- Cooperation
- Managing feelings and behaviour
- Being adaptable to change
- Factors affecting children’s readiness for school
- How an Early Year’s Practitioner supports children to prepare for school
- Personal, social, and emotional development
- Physical development
- Communication and language
- Areas of learning and development
- Assessment strategies
- The current frameworks assessment process in supporting children’s preparation for school
- Systematic synthetic phonics in teaching reading
- Strategies for developing emergent literacy
- Developing emergent mathematical skills
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