Creative Writing Level 3

Course Content – NCFE CQ Syllabus

Creative Writing Level 3

Unit 1 – Basics of Creative Writing

In this unit, you’ll cover the definition of relevant words you’ll encounter throughout the course, as well as the main things you must consider before beginning any piece of creative writing. You’ll also examine the process of editing, proofreading, and how to avoid plagiarism.

Unit 2 – Reading for Writing

In the second unit, you’ll discover how to use a reading log to record your responses to various texts, and a notebook for writing down anything that might inspire you.

Unit 3 – Prose Non-fiction: Biography and Autobiography

Next, you’ll study the difference between biography and autobiography writing, and study a variety of text excerpts whilst asking key questions about each.

Unit 4 – Prose Non-fiction: Review

In unit four, you’ll cover the ‘review’ as a form of prose non-fiction. You’ll learn about the purpose of a review, and examine an example from The Guardian newspaper, studying the writer’s use of metaphors, abstract nouns, and other aspects of language choice. As a learning activity, you’ll find your own review, and compare it in content and style to The Guardian’s example.

Unit 5 – Prose Non-fiction: Travel Writing

Moving on, you’ll study travel writing, examining excerpts from two texts: ‘Notes from a Small Island’ by Bill Bryson, and ‘Full Circle’ by Michael Palin. As you do, you’ll make notes in your reading log, to prepare for this unit’s assignment – producing an extended piece of travel writing.

Unit 6 – Prose Fiction: Introduction

In the sixth unit, you’ll move on to fiction, examining narrative voice and structure, perspective, and plot. You’ll also study the ways in which settings, characters, and dialogue can be constructed effectively to tell a story, and consider sub-genres in prose fiction.

Unit 7 – Prose Fiction: The Short Story

Next, you’ll examine extracts from the classics ‘Stone Trees’ by Jane Gardam, and ‘The Train to Walthamstow’ by Patrick Wilmot, and consider ways in which you can generate ideas for your own short story before getting to work on a 750-1000 word piece

Unit 8 – Prose Fiction: The Novel

In unit eight, you’ll start to think of some of the most effective ways to begin a novel, before gaining some inspiration by reading excerpts from novels by authors Ian McEwan, Marina Lewycka, and Italo Calvino. In your assignment, you’ll construct the opening to your own novel, providing a clear structure and rationale for your content.

Unit 9 – Writing a Dramatic Script

This unit will provide an introduction to script-writing, and the basics you’ll need to create your own dramatic masterpiece. You’ll also examine an extract from Tennesse Williams’ ‘The Glass Menagerie’, to explore how the characters interact with one another, how the scene is set, and how the stage directions add to the narrative. For your assignment, you’ll create a script for a drama lasting at least two minutes.

Unit 10 – Extended Writing

Final Assignment: writing an extended piece.

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