Fiction Writing Level 3

Course Content – NCFE CQ Syllabus

Fiction Writing Level 3

Unit 1 – Introduction to Fiction Writing

You’ll kick off by learning exactly what it takes to become a good writer, as well as everything you’ll need to do to fully engage with your course. Next, you’ll examine the basic principles of fiction writing, how to find ideas when inspiration is lacking, and the importance of considering the reader as you write.

Unit 2 – Practicalities

As with all things in life, there are certain practicalities to consider before you begin writing. How can you make sure you keep the licence to all your work? How can you ensure you don’t fall foul of defamation laws? How can you keep all your records in order, and get your work published? In unit two, you’ll cover all this, and more.

Unit 3 – The Short Story

If you’re planning on writing a novel, it’s a great idea to start with the short story first. In unit three, you’ll discover how to study and analyse short stories, as well as receive a full reading list which will help you increase your writing knowledge. Moving on, you’ll learn how to study the market before you begin writing in order to appeal to readers, and how to present your finished manuscript.

Unit 4 – Other Types of Writing

Why restrain your talents to short story and novel writing? Here, you’ll cover everything you need to know to write for radio, TV, or film, and you’ll discover how each script should be presented depending on your intended medium.

Unit 5 – Theming

In any story, a theme creates an important underlying message for the reader. In this unit, you’ll discover how to carefully craft different emotions, whether to write in the first or third person, and how to make sure your language and style identify with your intended audience.

Unit 6 – Plotting

What’s the most important component of any story? The plot! That’s why it’s crucial you get it spot on. In this unit, you’ll discover how to create credible and convincing narratives that will keep your reader hooked.

Unit 7 – Use of Characters

It’s tougher than you think to create convincing characters. In unit seven, you’ll be taken through everything you need to consider to make your characters come alive, including psyche, motives, names, and mannerisms. You’ll also discover how to craft convincing heroes and villains, while avoiding stereotypes.

Unit 8 – How to Get Started

So, you have your idea, you have your plot schema, you have your characters and you have your target audience – now it’s time to get something down on paper. Unit eight will guide you through the best habits to get into when writing, how to introduce your characters, how to develop your plot and handle transitions, and how to craft a satisfying ending.

Unit 9 – Choosing a title and Dialogue

A lot of people think that the choice of title is only a minor detail. However, it can actually make or break a good story, and it can certainly sell one. In this unit, you’ll discover how to choose the perfect title, as well as how to make sure your dialogue is convincing and fluid.

Unit 10 – Novel Writing

Writing a novel might seem like an impossible task, however, by this point in the course, you’ll be fully prepared to take on the challenge. In unit ten, we’ll run through everything you need to consider as you write; how to craft a killer opening, stick to a structure, choose a genre, how to present your work to publishers, and more

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