Level 1 Safeguarding In a Learning Environment

Course Content – AQA Syllabus

Unit 1 – Understanding the need for safeguarding in a learning environment
  • Understand the policies and procedures for safeguarding in your learning environment
  • Understand why safeguarding is important in your learning environment
  • Understand the importance of learning in an environment that actively values equality and diversity
  • Understand key aspects of health and safety regulations in their learning environment and know how to comply with these regulations
Unit 2 – Establishing safe personal boundaries in a learning environment (optional)
  • Knowing what makes a safe learning environment
  • Understand how to create safe personal boundaries in the learning environment
Unit 3 – Staying safe online in a learning environment (optional)
  • Understand the need to stay safe whilst working online within the learning environment
  • Understanding the key point of internet privacy, confidentiality, data protections and freedom of information guidelines within the learning environment
Unit 4 – Investigating cyber-bullying in a learning environment (optional)
  • Know the dangers associated with cyber-bullying
  • Understand ways of preventing cyber-bullying
Unit 5 – Investigating harassment and bullying in a learning environment (optional)
  • Know what is meant by harassment and bullying
  • Understand policies and procedures for harassment and bullying within a learning environment
Unit 6 – Recognising abuse in a learning environment (optional)
  • Understand how to recognise signs of abuse, harm and neglect of young people within a learning environment
  • Know what to do when there are concerns about young people’s safety and welfare
Unit 7 – Staying safe in a work environment (optional)
  • Know what makes a safe working environment whilst on work experience as part of a learning agreement
  • Know ways of preventing bullying and harassment whilst learning in a work environment

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