IGCSE Physics

Course Content – Syllabus Edexcel (1PH0)

Unit 1 – Forces and Motion

  • Movement and position
  • Measurements and units
  • Speed, velocity and acceleration
  • Types of forces
  • Physical quantities
  • Mass and weight
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion
  • Terminal velocity
  • Moments and equilibrium
  • Elasticity and Hooke’s Law
  • Momentum

Unit 2 – Electricity

  • Mains electricity
  • Units of electricity
  • Measuring electrical energy
  • Alternating & direct currents
  • Energy and voltage
  • Series and parallel circuits
  • Resistors and resistance
  • Ohm’s law
  • Electric Charge
  • Conductors and insulators
  • Protons and electrons
  • Electrostatics

Unit 3 – Waves

  • Transverse Waves
  • Longitudinal Waves
  • Properties of waves
  • Wave behaviour
  • The Doppler Effect
  • The Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Applications and hazards
  • Light and sound waves
  • Reflection and refraction
  • Amplitude and pitch

Unit 4 – Energy Resource and Energy Transfers

  • Storing and transferring
  • Forms of energy
  • Conservation
  • Work and power
  • Fossil fuels and the environment
  • Renewable energy

Unit 5 – Solids, Liquids and Gases

  • Density
  • Pressure
  • States of Matter
  • Melting, boiling and evaporation
  • Specific heat capacity
  • The Kinetic Theory of Matter
  • Absolute Zero
  • The Kelvin Scale

Unit 6 – Magnetism and Electromagnetism

  • Attraction and repulsion
  • Magnetic and electromagnetic induction
  • Magnetic field patterns
  • Electromagnets and field patterns
  • Forces on a current-carrying wire
  • Generating electricity
  • Transformers
  • Transmission of electricity

Unit 7 – Radioactivity and Particles

  • Atomic structure
  • Radioactive decay and detection
  • Alpha, Beta, and Gamma
  • Applications of radioactivity
  • Safety risk and precautions
  • Fission
  • Fusion

Unit 8 – Astrophysics

  • The Solar System
  • Orbits and gravity
  • Gravitational fields
  • Stellar evolution
  • Types of stars
  • The origin of the Universe
  • Cosmic microwaves

Unit 9 – Preparing for Your Exam: 4PH1

  • Exam preparation
  • Practice Paper 1
  • Practice Paper 2

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