IGCSE Double Science

Course Content – Edexcel Syllabus

Unit 1 – Living Organisms

  • Characteristics of living organisms
  • Variety of living organisms

Unit 2 – Structure and Functions in Living Organisms

  • Organisation and cell structure
  • Biological molecules
  • Nutrition in plants and animals
  • Respiration and gas exchange
  • Transport
  • Excretion and the immune response
  • Nervous response and senses
  • Hormonal response in animals and plants

Unit 3 – Reproduction and Inheritance

  • Reproduction in animals
  • Reproduction in plants
  • Genetics and inheritance
  • Evolution and natural selection
  • Treating and preventing disease

Unit 4 – Inorganic Chemistry

  • States of matter
  • Elements, compounds and mixtures
  • Atomic structure
  • The Periodic Table
  • Chemical formulae, equations and calculations
  • Ionic bonding
  • Covalent bonding
  • Group One – Alkali Metals
  • Group Seven – Halogens
  • Gases in the atmosphere
  • Reactivity series
  • Acids and alkalis
  • Acids, bases and salt preparations
  • Chemical tests

Unit 5 – Physical Chemistry

  • Energetics
  • Rates of reaction
  • Reversible reactions and equilibria

Unit 6 – Organic Chemistry

  • Introduction to organic chemistry
  • Crude oil
  • Alkanes
  • Alkenes
  • Synthetic polymers

Unit 7 – Forces and Electricity

  • Movement and position
  • Forces, movement and shape
  • Mains electricity
  • Energy and voltage

Unit 8 – Waves

  • Properties of waves
  • Electromagnetic spectrum
  • Light and sound

Unit 9 – Energy, Matter and Magnetism

  • Energy transfers
  • Work and power
  • Density and pressure
  • Ideal gas molecules
  • Magnetism
  • Electromagnetism
  • Electromagnetic induction

Unit 10 – Radioactivity and Astrophysics

  • Radioactivity
  • Fission and fusion
  • Motion in the universe
  • Stellar evolution

Unit 11 – Preparing for the Exam

  • Biology Paper 1 (4SD0/1B)
  • Chemistry Paper 1 (4SD0/1C)
  • Physics Paper 1 (4SD0/1P)

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