IGCSE Biology

Content – Syllabus Edexcel (1BI0)

Unit 1 – Living Organisms
– Characteristics of living organisms
– Variety of living organisms

Unit 2 – Structure and Functions in Living Organisms
– Organisation and cell structure
– Biological molecules
– Nutrition in plants and animals
– Respiration and gas exchange
– Transport
– Excretion and the immune response
– Nervous response and senses
– Hormonal response in animals and plants

Unit 3 – Reproduction and Inheritance
– Reproduction in animals
– Reproduction in plants
– Genetics and inheritance
– Evolution and natural selection
– Treating and preventing disease

Unit 4 – Ecology and the Environment
– Biodiversity and feeding relationships
– Nutrient cycles
– Human influences on the environment

Unit 5 – Use of Biological Resources
– Food production and selective breeding
– Genetic modification and cloning

Unit 6 – Preparing for Your Exam: 4BI1
– Paper 1 (4BI1/1B)
– Paper 2 (4BI1/2B)

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