A Level Geography

Course Content – CAIE Syllabus (9696)

Unit 1 – Physical Geography: Hydrology, Fluvial Geomorphology

  • The drainage basin system
  • Discharge relationships within drainage basins
  • River channel processes and landforms
  • The human impact

Unit 2 – Physical Geography: Atmosphere and Weather

  • Diurnal energy budgets
  • The global energy budget
  • Weather processes and phenomena
  • The human impact

Unit 3 – Physical Geography: Rocks and Weathering

  • Plate tectonics
  • Weathering
  • Slope processes
  • The human impact

Unit 4 – Human Geography: Population

  • Natural increase as a component of population change
  • Demographic transition
  • Population–resource relationships
  • The management of natural increase

Unit 5 – Human Geography: Migration and Settlement Dynamics

  • Migration: what is it?
  • Migration models
  • Internal migration
  • International migration
  • Changes in rural settlements
  • Urbanisation and changing urban settlements

Unit 6 – Physical Geography: Tropical Environments

  • Tropical climates
  • Tropical ecosystems
  • Tropical landforms
  • Sustainable management of tropical environments

Unit 7 – Physical Geography: Hazardous Environments

  • Tectonic processes
  • Hazardous environments resulting from mass movements
  • Hazardous environments due to atmospheric disturbance
  • Sustainable management in hazardous environments

Unit 8 – Human Geography: Production, Location and Change

  • Agricultural systems and food production
  • Management of agricultural change
  • Manufacturing and related service industry
  • Factors affecting industrial location
  • Free Trade Zones (FTZ)
  • Export Processing Zones (EPZ)
  • The management of change in a manufacturing industry

Unit 9 – Human Geography: Global Interdependence

  • Trade flows and trading patterns
  • Factors affecting global trade
  • Debt, aid, and management
  • The development of international tourism
  • The management of a tourist destination

Unit 10 – Preparing for the Exam: Physical Geography Paper 1 and 3

  • Preparing for Paper 1 – Core Physical Geography
  • Preparing for Paper 3 – Advanced Physical Geography

Unit 11 – Preparing for the Exam: Human Geography Paper 2 and 4

  • Preparing for Paper 2 – Core Human Geography
  • Preparing for Paper 4 – Advanced Human Geography

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