A Level Environmental Science

Course Content – Edexcel Syllabus (7447)

Unit 1 – The living environment

  • Atmosphere
  • Insolation
  • Position in the solar system
  • Orbital behaviour
  • Magnetosphere
  • Oxygen production
  • Ozone layer
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Biogeochemical cycles
  • Methods of conserving biodiversity
  • Captive breeding and release programmes
  • Ecological monitoring
  • Abiotic and biotic factors

Unit 2 – The physical environment

  • Global climate change
  • Difficulties monitoring and predicting climate change
  • Ozone depletion
  • Sustainable management strategies
  • Mineral supplies
  • The carbon cycle and human influences
  • The nitrogen cycle and human influences
  • The phosphorous cycle and human influences
  • Soil degradation and erosion
  • Soil management strategies

Unit 3 – Energy resources

  • Strategies to secure future energy supplies
  • The importance of energy supplies in the development of society
  • Features of energy resources
  • New energy conservation technologies
  • Building energy conservation
  • Industrial energy conservation
  • Environmental factors that affect rates of degradation

Unit 4 – Pollution

  • The properties of pollutants
  • Environmental factors that affect rates of degradation
  • Strategies to control pollutants
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Thermal pollution
  • Oil pollution
  • Pesticides
  • Nutrient Pollution
  • Organic nutrient pollutants
  • Noise
  • Developing new pollution control technologies

Unit 5 – Biological resources

  • Agriculture
  • Strategies to increase the sustainability of agriculture
  • Marine Productivity
  • Fishing
  • Aquaculture
  • Forest resources
  • Deforestation

Unit 6 – Sustainability

  • Dynamic equilibria
  • Natural Energy Processes
  • Carbon footprints and sustainable development
  • The circular economy

Unit 7 – Research Methods

  • Sampling techniques
  • Fieldwork and laboratory activities
  • Specialist techniques

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