A Level Economics

Course Content – AQA Syllabus (7136)

Unit 1 – Individuals, Firms, Markets and Market Failure

  • Economic methodology
  • The nature and purpose of economic activity
  • Economic resources
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Imperfect information
  • Bounded rationality
  • Biases
  • Behavioural economics and economic policy
  • Demand and price
  • Price, income and cross elasticities of demand
  • Income elasticity of demand (YED)
  • Composite and competitive supply
  • Price elasticity of supply
  • Production costs and revenue
  • Law of diminishing returns
  • Economies and diseconomies of scale
  • Profit
  • Barriers to entry
  • Advantages and disadvantages of monopoly
  • The competitive market process
  • The Labour Market
  • Influences upon the supply of labour
  • Distribution of wealth
  • Poverty
  • Public goods, private goods and quasi-public goods
  • Privatisation
  • Subsidies
  • Minimum and maximum prices
  • Public ownership

Unit 2 – The National and International Economy

  • The national economy in a global context
  • Inflation
  • Unemployment
  • The circular flow of income
  • Aggregate demand and aggregate supply analysis
  • The Keynesian LRAS Curve
  • Economic performance and cycles
  • Employment and unemployment
  • Inflation and deflation
  • Quantity theory of money
  • Consequences of inflation
  • The Phillips Curve
  • Financial markets and monetary policy
  • Commercial banks and investment banks
  • Assets of commercial banks
  • Credit creation
  • Central banks and monetary policy
  • The regulation of the financial system
  • Bank failure and moral hazard
  • Liquidity and capital ratios
  • Systemic risk
  • Fiscal policy and supply-side policies
  • Progressive, regressive and proportional taxation
  • Main taxes used in the UK
  • Principles of taxation
  • Public expenditure
  • Supply-side policy
  • Causes of globalisation
  • Economic growth and development

Exam Preparation

  1. Paper 1
  2. Paper 2
  3. Paper 3

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