A Level Computer Science

Course Content – CAIE Syllabus (9618

Unit 1 – Information Representation

  • Binary Number System
  • Binary Coded Decimal
  • Hexadecimal 
  • Bits, Bytes and Binary
  • Representing Images
  • Metadata
  • Analogue and Digital Sound
  • Data Compression

Unit 2 – Communication and Internet Technologies

  • Data Transmission
  • Wireless Networking, CSMA and SSID
  • Structure of the Internet
  • Packet Switching and Routers
  • IP Addresses 
  • Network Topology
  • Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer
  • Client Server Model

Unit 3 – Hardware

  • Computers and their components
  • Logic gates
  • Creating logic circuits
  • Interpreting the results of a truth table

Unit 4 – Processor Fundamentals

  • Central Processing Unit
  • The Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle
  • The Processor
  • Assembly Language
  • Machine Code
  • Bit Manipulation

Unit 5 – System Software

  • Operating systems (OS)
  • Processor scheduling
  • Programming language classification
  • Language translators
  • Machine code

Unit 6 – Security, Privacy and Data Integrity

  • Data security
  • Cyber security
  • MALWARE – malicious software
  • Spyware
  • Ransomware
  • Data integrity

Unit 7 – Ethics and Ownership

  • Ethics and ownership
  • The rise of artificial intelligence
  • The Computer Misuse Act 1990
  • Data Protection Act (1998)
  • Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1998)
  • Introduction to software licences

Unit 8 – Databases

  • Flat file databases
  • Relational database model
  • Database normalisation
  • Database Management Systems (DBMS)
  • Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Common data types
  • Linking tables

Unit 9 – Fundamental Problem Solving – Algorithm Design and Problem Solving

  • Abstraction and decomposition
  • Solving logic problems
  • Software development
  • Algorithms
  • Pseudocode

Unit 10 – Fundamental Problem Solving – Data Types and Structures

  • Data Types and Records
  • Arrays 
  • Searching and sorting algorithms
  • Files and Exception Handling
  • Abstract Data Types (ADT)

Unit 11 – Fundamental Problem Solving – Programming

  • Selection
  • Complex Boolean Expressions
  • The CASE Statement
  • Iteration
  • Subroutines

Unit 12 – Fundamental Problem Solving – Software Development

  • Program Development Life Cycle
  • The Waterfall Model
  • Iterative and Rapid Application Development
  • Program Design
  • Program Testing and Maintenance
  • Error Types

Unit 13 – Advanced Theory – Data Representation

  • User Defined Data Types
  • File Organisation and Access
  • Floating-Point Numbers, Representation and Manipulation
  • Precision and Normalisation

Unit 14 – Advanced Theory – Communication and Internet Technologies

  • Protocols
  • the TCP/IP Model
  • Circuit Switching 
  • Packet Switching

Unit 15 – Advanced Theory – Hardware and Virtual Machines

  1. Processors, Parallel Processing and Virtual Machines
  2. Comparing RISC and CISC
  3. Virtual Machines
  4. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
  5. De Morgan’s Laws
  6. Karnaugh Maps

Unit 16 – Advanced Theory – System Software

  1. Purposes of an Operating System
  2. Processor Scheduling
  3. IO Device Management
  4. Translation Software
  5. Backus-Naur Form
  6. Syntax Diagram

Unit 17 – Advanced Theory – Security

  • Encryption Protocols and Digital Certificates
  • Types of Encryption
  • Encryption Protocol
  • The Electronic Communications Act (2000)
  • Digital Certificates
  • Digital Signatures

Unit 18 – Advanced Theory – Artificial Intelligence

  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • A* Algorithm

Unit 19 – Computational Thinking and Problem Solving

  • Algorithms
  • Abstract Data Types
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Linked Lists
  • Binary Tree
  • Big O Notation
  • Recursion

Unit 20 – Further Programming

  • Programming Paradigms
  • Imperative (High Level) Programming
  • Files Processing and Exception Handling
  • Inputs and Outputs
  • Exception Handling

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